Presents a history of Latinos in America, from the first colonies in the New World through today, and offers portraits of distinguished Americans of Hispanic descent that have played a key role in the evolving face of American life.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-368) and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Part I. Roots (Las raíces). Conquerors and victims : the image of America forms (1500-1800) ; The Spanish borderlands and the making of an empire (1810-1898) ; Banana republics and bonds : taming the empire's backyard (1898-1950) -- Part II. Branches (Las ramas). Puerto Ricans : citizens yet foreigners ; Mexicans : pioneers of a different type ; Cubans : special refugees ; Dominicans : from the Duarte to the George Washington Bridge ; Central Americans : intervention comes home to roost ; Colombians and Panamanians : overcoming division and disdain -- Part III. Harvest (La cosecha). The return of Juan Seguín : Latinos and the remaking of American politics ; Immigrants old and new : closing borders of the mind ; Speak Spanish, you're in America! : El Huracán over language and culture ; Free trade : the final conquest of Latin America ; Puerto Rico, U.S.A. : possessed and unwanted -- Epilogue -- Glossary.